Ten Signs You’re (Unhealthily) Addicted to Conspiracy Theories


Eat your heart out, Buzzfeed.


Top Ten Signs You’re (Unhealthily) Addicted to Conspiracy Theories

10. You’ve consumed all the conspiracy theories you can find on Netflix

9. And books. And TV. And magazines.

Seems a little crazy GIF (1)

8. You’ve even scourged Youtube late at night looking for signs of the Illuminati.

7. You’ve joined a Bigfoot Hunting Society.


6. You’re addicted to the X-Files  (and then some)


5. Snopes.com is on your “bookmarked” tab on your computer


4. You’ve made yourself a tinfoil hat for fun.


3. Despite your fate as the “crazy one” at the holiday dinner table, you’re having a blast learning about new things


2. Because, as we all know, the Truth is Out There


1.  And you might as well be informed about the Lizard People, y’know what I’m saying?


See you next week for my final post! Remember to comment below, and follow Conspiracy Queries on Twitter!


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